Photo Diary: Sohoton Cove | Bucas Grande Island

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We traveled 2 hours boat ride from Jadestar Lodge to Sohoton Cove in Bucas Grande Island. This is where we waited for our number to called after we registered our names from information center.
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As we arrived here, we were so amazed how green and blue the water is. While we stayed in the waiting area, the atmosphere is so serene and calm.
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As we were going to Sohoton’s Jellyfish sanctuary, we passed by those trees above while listening to the jokes of Kuya Boatman 🙂
Two of my bubbly friends. Hi Joe and Lynn! ♥
Jellyfishes under our paddle boat.
As we arrived nearer to the heart of sanctuary, we were welcomed some of the jellies. They are sting-less and friendly jellyfish.
See! But some of my friends told me its just a few. There were months that it is plenty of them in the area.
After visiting Jellyfish sanctuary, we went back to the waiting area. Many people visited the place because it was weekend when we went there.
Going to the other side of Sohoton Cove – we passed by Hagukan Cave and some of my friend jumped at the cliff in the Magkokoob Cave.
Go Jatit! 😀
This place is like a paradise. The water is green and everything is so clean. Hoping the people behind preserving and taking care of the place won’t be tired maintaining the natural resources.

For my Siargao itinerary, just click on this link -> Surigao Chronicles ♥

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